Gynecomastia (Male breast reduction)

Gynecomastia is a condition seen in males which can be defined as having female-type breasts.
Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
Achieve a flat chest!

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
Achieve a flat chest!

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynecomastia is a condition seen in males which can be defined as having female-type breasts. This condition may occur due to hormonal or genetic causes, obesity and some medications. Gynecomastia can also be defined as: Excessive regional fat and breast tissue development in the breast area in males, sometimes accompanied by excess skin. With gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery, breast size is reduced in males and a more masculine appearance is revealed by flattening the chest lines.

What is a gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery?

Gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery is performed to correct female type breast size in males. In this surgery, various procedures can be performed according to the condition of the person.

In gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery, liposuction is applied for excess fat tissue, if there is excess breast tissue, then this tissue should be removed by making an incision.

In cases with excess skin, the excess skin is removed by adding a skin incision to the operation.

Gynecomastia at a glance

Below you can find detailed technical information that will help you learn more about the surgery. This information is general and may vary according to the operation and its combinations.

Duration of Treatment
(5 Days)
Duration of Operation
(2 Hours)
(1-6 Months)
Sleeping Position
(1 Week Face Up)
(10 Days)
(4 Days)
(7 Days)
Back to Work
(14 Days)
Exercise Restriction
(2 Months)
Regain your self-esteem!

Why do people have gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery?

Why do people have gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery?

Who Are the Ideal Candidates?

In order to have a gynecomastia (male breast reduction), the ideal candidate should:

  • Be in good psychological and physical health
  • Have realistic expectations about the operation
  • Be at your ideal weight.
  • Breast examinations should be normal.
Premium quality 360 degree service in Istanbul

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu

Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu
Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu
Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery

What do the experts say about this operation?

We're with you at every step of the operation.

Here you will find some useful information that will help you prepare for your plastic surgery, prepare the necessary setup to avoid any problems that may arise, and make the necessary arrangements to ensure that everything goes smoothly during your stay in Turkiye.

It is important to consider the following before you turn up for your cosmetic surgery.

Quit smoking: Smoking reduces blood flow in the skin. For this reason, we recommend that you quit smoking six weeks before the operation and during the recovery period in order to have a faster recovery process after the operation.

Minimise alcohol: Try to minimise alcohol drinking before the operation. Do not drink alcohol on the day of the operation or stop drinking a few days before. After the operation is completed, you are not allowed to drink alcohol until the medication given to you is finished. Our doctor and team will warn you about this.

General anaesthesia: Your operation will be performed under general anaesthesia. Eat eight hours before the operation. Don't drink water or eat less than six hours before the operation.

On the day of your operation, our transfer vehicle will pick you up from your hotel and transfer you to the hospital where the operation will take place. Before the operation, you will have a preliminary in person meeting with our doctor and our team once again. As a result of this preliminary meeting, drawings will be made and photos will be taken according to your expectations.

Your aesthetic surgery will end with drawing being made, check of blood tests, operation, hospital stay, discharge and follow-up process.

You may feel a little sleepy and tired after your aesthetic surgery. This condition will decrease after one or two hours of rest.

Our doctor will provide you information about the operation during discharge. They will explain what you should pay attention to after the operation and the use of medication. We expect you to take your medication regularly. You may feel a little sluggish and tired after the operation. This condition, can be taken under control with the painkillers prescribed to you.

During the recovery process, our teams will call you to ask about your condition and ask you for a photo. An online consultation will be made with you by communicating your recovery process to our doctor.

We are always with you in your process of change

Testimonials About Our Services

Are you ready for your Journey of Change?

We are here for you to plan your entire journey to make the operation you desire a much better experience for you. Considering all the details, we are always with you during your stay in Istanbul.

It is a detailed consultation with our experts about the organisation and operation.

Our famous plastic surgeon will answer all your questions in detail by inquiring your operation expectations during the in person consultation.

While renewing your body, you can evaluate all the care your skin needs with Famous Dermatologist Associate Professor Ezgi Özkur, get advice from them and start treatment.

Our doctor and nurses will check your eligibility for the operation by making the necessary medical assessment before the operation.

You will have your last pre-operative in person consultation with our doctor at the hospital. Our doctor will prepare you for the operation via drawings according to your expectations.

24 hour room service, satellite TV, breakfast, lunch, dinner and your own en-suite hospital room with en-suite bathroom for 1 or 2 days depending on the operation.

At your first follow-up consultation, our doctor will check you after the operation and tell you what you should pay attention to and the entire post-operative care process.

Our experienced staff, specially assigned for you, will be in contact with you during your stay in Istanbul after you are discharged from the hospital and will visit you whenever necessary

At your second follow-up visit, your treatment will be completed by our doctor by making your dressing. When you go back to your country, you will be told about all the procedures you need to do and pay attention to.

We will follow you closely for 1 year during your recovery process managed by our experienced team.

Frequently asked questions about gynecomastia

You can find detailed information about the operation and organisation before you come to Turkiye. You can contact your sales representative for any other questions you may have.

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males, often resulting in a more feminine chest appearance.

Gynecomastia can be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, obesity, genetic factors, or underlying medical conditions.

Gynecomastia is typically diagnosed through a physical examination, medical history review, and sometimes additional tests such as blood tests or imaging studies to rule out underlying causes.

In some cases, gynecomastia may resolve spontaneously, especially if it is caused by hormonal fluctuations during puberty. However, persistent cases often require medical intervention.

Surgery may be necessary for severe or persistent cases of gynecomastia, especially when conservative measures fail to produce satisfactory results.

Recovery from gynecomastia surgery typically involves a period of rest, wearing compression garments, and avoiding strenuous activities for several weeks. Full recovery may take several months.

Like any surgical procedure, gynecomastia surgery carries risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, asymmetry, or changes in nipple sensation. However, these risks are minimized when the procedure is performed by a qualified surgeon.

The results of gynecomastia surgery are generally long-lasting, especially when combined with healthy lifestyle habits. However, maintaining a stable weight and avoiding factors that contribute to gynecomastia can help prolong results.

Scarring from gynecomastia surgery is typically minimal and well-concealed, as incisions are strategically placed in natural creases or inconspicuous areas of the chest.

Many individuals experience a significant improvement in self-confidence and body image following successful gynecomastia surgery, leading to a better quality of life.

It is essential to research board-certified plastic surgeons with experience in gynecomastia surgery and to schedule consultations to discuss treatment options and expectations.

During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your condition, discuss treatment options, explain the surgical process, and address any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure.



In line with the importance we attach to quality and reliability in healthcare services, our clinically contracted hospitals are certified by JCI (Joint Commission International) to comply with international standards. JCI certification plays a key role in guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the healthcare services we provide to our patients. Under contract with TrustMed, the hospital, located in Şişli, is a point where healthcare excellence, advanced technology and strategic accessibility meet. This medical facility is a testament to advanced technology and infrastructure, with a team of nationally and internationally recognised specialists offering warm and personalised services to its patients.

Regular audits are critical to ensure that our hospitals consistently deliver high quality services. In this way, we strive to best meet the healthcare needs of our patients and provide a safe healthcare environment.

Our doctor's advice on the operation

Explore the operation further

Gynecomastia, commonly referred to as male breast reduction, is a condition characterized by the enlargement of glandular tissue in the male breast. This can result in a more feminine appearance of the chest due to excess breast tissue or fat. Gynecomastia may occur due to hormonal imbalances, certain medications, genetics, or underlying health conditions

What Is Gynecomastia?

Male breast reduction surgery aims to reduce breast size and create a more masculine chest contour through the removal of excess glandular tissue and fat. It can help alleviate physical discomfort and improve self-confidence in affected individuals.

Why Should You Get Your Gynecomastia In Turkey?

  • Cost: Gynecomastia in Turkey is more affordable compared to many Western countries without compromising the quality of the operation.
  • Qualified Surgeons: Turkey has well-trained and qualified plastic surgeons who have received education and training from reputable institutions.
  • Modern Facilities: Many private clinics and hospitals such as TrustMed in Turkey are equipped with modern facilities and adhere to international standards.
  • Privacy: You may prefer to undergo your male breast reduction in Turkey, away from your local community for added privacy. Turkey offers a degree of anonymity for individuals seeking cosmetic surgery.

Are You A Good Candidate For Male Breast Reduction?

You are a good candidate for Male Breast Reduction if you:

  • are not pleased with your current body contour,
  • have no problem in the examination of your breast tissue with imaging methods (mammography, breast USG),
  • are determined to undergo cosmetic surgeries to have your desired body.

Preoperative Preparation and Operation Process

Before the surgery, the patient may need to undergo certain pre-operative tests and assessments to ensure they are healthy enough for the procedure. The surgeon may also provide instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, including any medications to avoid and guidelines for eating and drinking before the procedure.

  • Anesthesia: Gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul is typically performed under general anesthesia, although local anesthesia with sedation may also be an option depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient's preference.
  • Surgery: The surgical technique used for gynecomastia surgery depends on the individual patient's needs and the severity of the condition. Common surgical approaches include liposuction, excision (surgical removal of breast tissue), or a combination of both. Liposuction involves making small incisions through which a thin tube called a cannula is inserted to suction out excess fat from the breast area. Excision involves making incisions to directly remove glandular tissue or excess skin. In some cases, both liposuction and excision may be used together for optimal results.
  • Closure: Once the excess fat and tissue have been removed, the incisions are closed with sutures, and the treated area may be bandaged or wrapped with compression garments to aid in healing and reduce swelling.

What Can You Expect From Male Breast Reduction In Istanbul?

  • Reduction in Breast Size: The primary goal of gynecomastia surgery is to reduce the size of enlarged male breasts. Following the procedure, patients can expect a noticeable reduction in breast tissue and a flatter, more masculine chest contour.
  • Improved Chest Appearance: Gynecomastia surgery can significantly improve the appearance of the chest by removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. The result is a smoother, firmer, and more sculpted chest contour.
  • Boost in Self-Confidence: Many men experience a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem following gynecomastia surgery. By achieving a more masculine chest appearance, patients often feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies, leading to improved quality of life.
  • Resolution of Physical Discomfort: Enlarged male breasts can cause physical discomfort, including pain, tenderness, and chafing. Gynecomastia surgery addresses these issues by reducing breast size and alleviating associated discomfort.
  • Scarring: While efforts are made to minimize scarring, gynecomastia surgery does involve incisions, which may result in some degree of scarring. However, scars typically fade over time and can be concealed beneath clothing.

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