Acne Treatment

Acne treatments are performed by a specialist dermatologist depending on many factors such as the psychological state of the person
Acne Treatment
Get a glowing skin!

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment
Get a glowing skin!

Acne Treatment

Acne is the most common and treatable skin disease in the world. It is a skin disease that occurs with blockage of the sebaceous gland openings. It may occur in mild to moderate severity. During adolescence, 70% of young people deal with acne problems. If these problems are not solved, permanent scars may remain. Thanks to acne treatments, your skin regains its radiance and you can have a smooth skin.

What is acne treatment method?

Our face is the most attention-grabbing place at first glance. Acne is a skin disease that needs treatment. Acne that may leave scars must be treated.

This process, which starts with the blockage of the openings called pilosebase, manifests itself as blackheads, red or inflamed pimples with the help of hormones and bacteria. If left untreated, scars may remain on your face.

You may be faced with a more difficult treatment method for the remaining scars. Acne treatments vary from person to person. It depends on many factors such as skin type, acne severity, psychological state of the person. You need to get help from a specialist dermatologist.

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Medical Aesthetics

Assoc. Prof. Ezgi Özkur

Assoc. Prof. Ezgi Özkur
Assoc. Prof. Ezgi Özkur
Doctor of Dermatology

What does the specialist say about this treatment?

We're with you at every step of the treatment.

Here you will find some useful information that will help you prepare for your dermatology, prepare the necessary setup to avoid any problems that may arise, and make the necessary arrangements to ensure that everything goes smoothly during your stay in Turkiye.

The treatment plan to be made after the dermatological examination will be explained to you in detail. If you accept the treatment, the process will begin and our doctor will inform you in detail according to the procedures to be performed.

During your consultation with our famous dermatology doctor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Özkur, you can ask all the questions you have in mind about the treatment. It may be a good idea to write down all your questions before going to the consultation. Our doctor will learn all your expectations and provide you detailed information about this subject by determining the treatment options. In addition, our doctor will explain how the treatment process will proceed after answering all your questions.

The treatment plan agreed upon during your consultation with our doctor will be performed. During this process, our doctor will examine you online or in-person.

When the treatment is completed, our doctor will inform you and give you detailed information about aftercare and what to pay attention to during the recovery process. If your treatment has a chronic nature, your doctor will give you a list of things you need to do throughout your life. In this process, our expert team will always be just a phone call away for all your questions.

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Are you Ready for the Journey of Treatment?

We are here to plan your entire journey, so that you have all the treatments you want, with better results for you. Taking into account all the details, we are always with you during your stay in Istanbul.

It is a detailed consultation with our specialists about the organization and treatment.

You can assess all problems related to your skin with Dermatologist Assoc. Dr Ezgi Özkur, get advice and start treatment.

As planned with our doctor, the application of treatments suitable for your skin is started.

At your follow-up consultation, our doctor will check you after the treatment and tell you what you should pay attention to in your aftercare and the entire post-treatment care process.

A member from our experienced staff, specially assigned for you, will stay in contact with you after your treatment is completed until your healing process is complete.

After your treatment is complete, you will be told what to do and what you should pay attention to from then on. You can contact our team for all your questions.

Frequently asked questions about acne treatment

Here you can find detailed information about the treatment and organization before your departure to Turkiye. Feel free to contact your sales representative for any other questions you may have.

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Acne can be caused by various factors, including hormonal changes, genetics, excess oil production, bacteria, certain medications, and environmental factors.

Turkey offers a wide range of acne treatments, including topical medications, oral medications, chemical peels, laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, and extraction procedures.

The most suitable acne treatment depends on the severity of your acne, your skin type, medical history, and individual preferences. A dermatologist can assess your condition and recommend the best treatment plan for you.

The effectiveness of acne treatment varies depending on the type of treatment, the severity of acne, and individual factors. Some treatments may start to show results within a few weeks, while others may take longer.

Side effects of acne treatment may include dryness, redness, irritation, peeling, and increased sensitivity to sunlight. However, these side effects are usually temporary and can be managed with proper skincare.

Acne treatment aims to prevent and reduce scarring by targeting the underlying causes of acne. However, untreated or severe acne lesions can lead to scarring, so early intervention is important to minimize the risk.

Yes, there are acne treatments specifically designed for sensitive skin, such as gentle cleansers, non-comedogenic moisturizers, and topical medications with lower concentrations of active ingredients.

The frequency of acne treatment sessions depends on the type of treatment and the severity of acne. Some treatments may require multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart for optimal results.

Yes, acne treatment can be combined with other skincare procedures such as microdermabrasion, microneedling, and chemical peels to enhance results and address multiple skin concerns simultaneously.

Yes, maintaining a consistent skincare routine is essential during acne treatment to help control oil production, exfoliate dead skin cells, and prevent clogged pores. Your dermatologist can recommend suitable skincare products for your skin type.

Yes, acne treatment can be performed on all skin types, but the approach may vary depending on factors such as skin sensitivity, pigmentation, and the presence of other skin conditions.

Acne treatment may cause temporary redness, dryness, or peeling, but it should not significantly impact your daily activities. However, it's essential to follow any post-treatment instructions provided by your dermatologist.

Yes, certain acne treatments, such as laser therapy, chemical peels, and microneedling, can help reduce the appearance of acne scars by promoting collagen production and skin regeneration.

Acne treatment procedures such as chemical peels and laser therapy may cause mild discomfort or a sensation of heat during the procedure. However, topical numbing creams or cooling devices can help minimize discomfort.

Acne treatment aims to control existing acne lesions and prevent new breakouts from occurring by targeting the underlying causes of acne, such as excess oil production and bacterial overgrowth.

Some acne treatments may not be safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to potential risks to the developing fetus or infant. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any acne treatment during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The cost of acne treatment in Turkey varies depending on factors such as the type of treatment, the severity of acne, the clinic or hospital, and any additional services required. It's best to consult with a dermatologist for an accurate cost estimate.



In line with the importance we attach to quality and reliability in healthcare services, our clinically contracted hospitals are certified by JCI (Joint Commission International) to comply with international standards. JCI certification plays a key role in guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the healthcare services we provide to our patients. Under contract with TrustMed, the hospital, located in Şişli, is a point where healthcare excellence, advanced technology and strategic accessibility meet. This medical facility is a testament to advanced technology and infrastructure, with a team of nationally and internationally recognised specialists offering warm and personalised services to its patients.

Regular audits are critical to ensure that our hospitals consistently deliver high quality services. In this way, we strive to best meet the healthcare needs of our patients and provide a safe healthcare environment.

Our doctor's advice on treatment

Explore the treatment further

With modern dermatology clinics, experienced specialists, and facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology, Turkey offers effective and reliable treatments to international patients. Acne treatment in Turkey aims to provide patients with a personalized approach and comprehensive treatment plans to achieve the best results. The combination of Turkey's historical and cultural richness with this treatment makes it an attractive option for medical tourism. Furthermore, receiving acne treatment in Turkey may be more cost-effective compared to other countries, providing an additional advantage for patients.

What Is Acne Treatment?

Acne treatment involves a series of treatment methods to reduce acne formation on the skin and promote the healing of existing acne. Acne is generally a skin condition caused by the blockage of oil glands, bacterial infections, and inflammation. Treatment methods can vary depending on the individual's type of acne, skin type, and severity. These may include topical creams, antibiotics, oral medications, chemical peels, laser treatments, and skincare routines. The goal of acne treatment is to improve skin health, reduce blemishes and scars, and achieve a cleaner, smoother skin appearance.

Why Do People Get Acne Treatment?

People seek acne treatment for various reasons, including:

  • Cosmetic Concerns: Acne can affect one's appearance and self-confidence, leading individuals to seek treatment to improve their skin's appearance and overall well-being.
  • Psychological Impact: Acne can have a significant psychological impact, causing stress, anxiety, and even depression in some cases. Treating acne can help alleviate these emotional burdens.
  • Physical Discomfort: In addition to affecting appearance, acne can be physically uncomfortable or painful, especially when acne lesions become inflamed or infected. Treatment aims to reduce discomfort and promote skin healing.
  • Prevention of Scarring: Severe or untreated acne can lead to scarring, which may be permanent. Seeking treatment early can help prevent or minimize scarring and preserve skin integrity.
  • Professional or Social Reasons: Clear skin is often associated with good hygiene and professional appearance. People may seek acne treatment to maintain or enhance their professional image or to feel more confident in social interactions.

What Are Some Acne Treatment Methods In Turkey?

  • Topical Treatments: Creams, lotions, or gels applied directly to the skin can help reduce acne formation and control inflammation in the skin. These treatments are often effective in locally treating acne lesions.
  • Oral Medications: Antibiotics, retinoids, hormone regulators, and other oral medications can help reduce inflammation under the skin, control acne, and prevent the formation of new lesions.
  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peel procedures can exfoliate the skin's upper layer, unclog pores, reduce oiliness, and improve the appearance of acne lesions.
  • Laser Treatments: Laser treatments target the oil glands under the skin to reduce acne formation and control inflammation. They can also help reduce the appearance of spots and scars on the skin.
  • Skincare: A proper skincare routine involves regular use of cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen. Proper skincare can help keep the skin clean and healthy and reduce acne formation.
  • Other Treatment Methods: In some cases, other treatment options such as physical therapies, surgical interventions, or alternative treatment methods may also be used.

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