Fue Hair Transplant

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) offers a practical solution for those seeking to address hair loss with a minimally invasive approach.
Fue Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplant

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) represents a modern advancement in hair transplantation, offering a refined solution to hair loss. In FUE, individual follicular units containing one to four hairs are meticulously extracted from the donor area of the scalp, typically at the back or sides, using specialized tools. These follicular units are then carefully transplanted into the areas affected by hair loss, creating a natural and fuller appearance. What sets FUE apart is its minimally invasive nature, resulting in less discomfort and quicker recovery times compared to traditional techniques like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) hair transplant surgery is a procedure that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the back and sides of your head and transplanting them to a part of the scalp that suffers from thinning or balding, such as a receding hairline or thin crown. Over a 6-12 month period, these hairs will grow, recreating hair where it has previously been lost. The end result is a rejuvenated appearance of naturally grown hair.

The process takes place while the patient is under local anaesthesia. Once the patient is unable to feel anything, our leading surgeons extract each hair follicle individually.

The extracted hair follicles are then reinserted using specialist sub-millimetre techniques, puncturing the areas of the scalp that are due to receive the transplanted hair follicles. The next part of the procedure applies an artistic touch as our surgeons must consider hair depth, angulation, direction, and density to provide as natural and realistic a look as possible.

The donor area where the hair has been extracted from heals with dot-like scars less than a millimetre in diameter. These FUE scars cannot be seen once the hair has grown to a grade 1 or 2.

In the first 1-3 months, the newly implanted hair will shed before growing again in 4-12 months; this is when the full results will be realized.

As hair is taken from an area that does not suffer from the underlying hair loss process, FUE hair transplants should last for 20 years and potentially a lifetime.

Fue Hair Transplant at a glance

Duration of Treatment
(4 - 8 hours)
Duration of Operation
(4 - 8 hours)
(4 – 12 months)
Sleeping Position
(Head elevated for 5 days)
(1 day)
(1 day)
(2 days)
Back to Work
(2 – 3 days)
Exercise Restriction
(2 Weeks)
Why do people have FUE?

Fue Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplant

Who are the ideal candidates?

  • Adequate hair density in the donor area.
  • Hair loss has stabilized and are not experiencing progressive balding.
  • Good overall health without any underlying medical conditions.
  • Realistic expectations about the results and understand the limitations of the procedure.

FAQs About FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant has a high success rate, typically ranging from 90% to 95%, when performed by skilled surgeons in suitable candidates. Success depends on factors such as patient selection, surgeon expertise, and post-operative care.

FUE hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Some mild soreness and swelling may occur in the days following the surgery, but these can be managed with prescribed medications.

Hair growth following FUE hair transplant is a gradual process, with initial growth starting to become visible within 3 to 4 months post-procedure. Full results are typically achieved within 12 to 18 months, as the transplanted hair follicles continue to grow and mature over time.

The transplanted hair follicles behave similarly to the donor hair, meaning they are permanent and resistant to hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. With proper care and maintenance, the results of FUE hair transplant can last a lifetime, providing natural-looking and long-lasting hair restoration.

In some cases, patients may experience further hair loss in areas surrounding the transplanted follicles over time. In such instances, a follow-up FUE hair transplant procedure can be performed to address these concerns and restore hair density as needed.

Like any surgical procedure, FUE hair transplant carries a minimal risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, or scarring. However, when performed by experienced surgeons in accredited facilities, these risks are rare and can be mitigated with proper pre-operative assessment and post-operative care.

Yes, FUE hair transplant can be combined with complementary treatments such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy or medical hair loss treatments like minoxidil or finasteride to enhance results and promote hair growth. A comprehensive treatment plan can be tailored to address each patient's unique needs and goals.

There is no strict age limit for undergoing FUE hair transplant, as candidacy depends more on the patient's overall health and the extent of their hair loss rather than their chronological age. However, younger patients should be carefully evaluated to ensure that their hair loss pattern is stable and suitable for transplantation.

Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few days following FUE hair transplant, although strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a week to minimize the risk of complications. Patients can expect some mild swelling and redness in the treated area, which typically resolves within a week or two.

Yes, FUE hair transplant can be an effective solution for female pattern hair loss, particularly in cases where other treatments have been unsuccessful. However, female patients should undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of their hair loss and ensure that they are suitable candidates for the procedure.

Suitable candidates for FUE hair transplant typically have sufficient donor hair, stable hair loss patterns, and realistic expectations. A consultation with a hair transplant specialist can determine candidacy based on individual factors.

Yes, FUE hair transplant can be used to correct or revise the results of previous hair transplant procedures, including outdated techniques or unsatisfactory outcomes. Skilled surgeons can assess the situation and recommend appropriate solutions.

The duration of the FUE hair transplant process varies depending on factors such as the number of grafts needed and the technique used. Generally, the procedure can take anywhere from several hours to a full day.

It's advisable to avoid alcohol, smoking, and certain medications that can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated can promote optimal healing and recovery.

Patients are usually advised to wait a few days before washing their hair after FUE hair transplant surgery to allow the implanted grafts to settle. Once cleared by their surgeon, patients can gently wash their hair using a mild shampoo and following specific post-operative care instructions.



In line with the importance we attach to quality and reliability in healthcare services, our clinically contracted hospitals are certified by JCI (Joint Commission International) to comply with international standards. JCI certification plays a key role in guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the healthcare services we provide to our patients. Under contract with TrustMed, the hospital, located in Şişli, is a point where healthcare excellence, advanced technology and strategic accessibility meet. This medical facility is a testament to advanced technology and infrastructure, with a team of nationally and internationally recognised specialists offering warm and personalised services to its patients.

Regular audits are critical to ensure that our hospitals consistently deliver high quality services. In this way, we strive to best meet the healthcare needs of our patients and provide a safe healthcare environment.

Our doctor's advice on the operation

Explore the operation further

Opting for a Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE hair transplant in Turkey is a transformative choice for individuals seeking effective solutions to hair loss. FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration technique known for its natural-looking results and minimal downtime. In Turkey, renowned clinics like TrustMed Clinic offer advanced facilities and skilled surgeons, making it an attractive destination for those looking to restore their hair density and confidence.

What Is FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE hair transplant in Turkey is a modern surgical technique designed to address hair loss by relocating individual hair follicles from the donor area to the recipient area on the scalp. Unlike traditional strip harvesting methods, which involve removing a strip of tissue from the donor site, FUE involves extracting follicular units one by one using specialized micro-tools. This approach minimizes scarring and allows for a quicker recovery time compared to strip harvesting. The extracted follicles are then meticulously implanted into the balding or thinning areas of the scalp, following the natural hairline and direction of hair growth to achieve a seamless and natural-looking result. FUE hair transplant is known for its ability to produce natural-looking hair restoration with minimal scarring and downtime, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking effective solutions to hair loss.

Why Should You Get FUE Hair Transplant In Turkey?

  • Cost: FUE hair transplant in Turkey are more affordable than in many Western countries without compromising the quality of the operation.
  • Qualified Surgeons: Turkey has well-trained and qualified surgeons who have received education and training from reputable institutions. 
  • Modern Facilities: Many private clinics and hospitals such as TrustMed in Turkey are equipped with modern facilities and adhere to international standards. 
  • Privacy: You may prefer to get your FUE hair transplant in Turkey, away from your local community for added privacy. Turkey offers a degree of anonymity for individuals seeking cosmetic surgery.

How Is The FUE Hair Transplant Journey?

Initial Consultation

The FUE hair transplant journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with a hair transplant specialist who evaluates the patient's hair loss pattern, scalp condition, and suitability for the procedure. During the consultation, the surgeon discusses the patient's goals and expectations, educates them about the FUE procedure, and develops a personalized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.


On the day of the procedure, the patient undergoes preparation for the FUE hair transplant, which includes trimming the donor area and administering local anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience during the extraction and implantation process. The patient is made comfortable, and any questions or concerns are addressed before proceeding with the surgery.


Using specialized micro-tools, the surgeon meticulously extracts individual follicular units from the donor area of the scalp, ensuring minimal trauma to the surrounding tissue and preserving the integrity of the hair follicles. The extraction process is performed with precision and care to obtain high-quality grafts for transplantation.


Once an adequate number of follicular units have been harvested, the surgeon meticulously implants them into the recipient sites on the scalp, following the natural hairline and direction of hair growth to achieve a natural appearance. The placement of the grafts is crucial to achieving optimal results, and the surgeon takes great care to ensure proper alignment and density throughout the recipient area.


After the FUE hair transplant procedure, patients are provided with post-operative instructions and medications to aid in the healing process. Most individuals can resume their normal activities within a few days, although some temporary swelling and redness in the treated areas may occur. Visible hair growth typically begins to appear within the first few months following the procedure, with full results becoming apparent within 12 to 18 months.

Types Of FUE Hair Transplant Techniques

Manual FUE

In manual FUE, the extraction and implantation of hair follicles are performed manually by skilled surgeons using specialized micro-tools. This technique offers precise control and customization of the procedure, allowing for the extraction and transplantation of follicular units with accuracy and efficiency.

Motorized FUE

Motorized FUE utilizes motorized tools to facilitate the extraction of follicular units from the donor area, speeding up the process and reducing the duration of the procedure. This technique is particularly beneficial for patients requiring a large number of grafts or those with extensive hair loss patterns.

Robotic FUE

Robotic FUE employs robotic systems to assist surgeons in the extraction phase by identifying and harvesting viable hair follicles with precision. This advanced technology enhances the efficiency and accuracy of the procedure, resulting in consistent and reliable outcomes for patients. Robotic FUE is especially advantageous for patients seeking optimal graft quality and minimal scarring.

FUE hair transplant specialists in Turkey offer these various techniques, tailoring the approach to suit the unique needs and preferences of each patient. By utilizing advanced technology and techniques, surgeons can achieve exceptional results with precision and care, restoring patients' hair density and confidence effectively.

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