Fut Hair Transplant Surgery

FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, represents a traditional yet effective approach to hair restoration, characterized by its strip harvesting technique.
Fut Hair Transplant Surgery
FUT ( Follicular Unit Transplantation )

Fut Hair Transplant Surgery

Fut Hair Transplant Surgery
FUT ( Follicular Unit Transplantation )

Fut Hair Transplant Surgery

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgical hair restoration technique that involves harvesting a strip of tissue containing hair follicles from the donor area, typically located at the back or sides of the scalp. This strip is then carefully dissected into individual grafts, which are subsequently transplanted into the recipient area affected by hair loss. FUT allows for the transplantation of a large number of grafts in a single session, making it suitable for individuals with extensive hair loss or those requiring maximum hair coverage. While FUT is an effective procedure, it does involve the creation of a linear scar at the donor site, which may be more noticeable compared to other hair restoration techniques. However, advancements in surgical techniques have minimized scarring and improved overall outcomes, making FUT a viable option for many individuals seeking hair restoration.

What is FUT hair transplant?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgical hair restoration procedure known for its efficiency in transplanting a large number of hair follicles in a single session. Unlike FUE, which involves extracting individual follicular units, FUT entails harvesting a strip of tissue from the donor area, typically at the back or sides of the scalp. This strip is then dissected into individual follicular units, which are meticulously transplanted into the recipient area to address hair loss or thinning.

While FUT offers the advantage of transplanting a greater number of grafts in a single session, it does result in a linear scar at the donor site, which may be more noticeable than with FUE.

However, advancements in surgical techniques have minimized scarring and improved overall outcomes, making FUT a viable option for many individuals seeking hair restoration.

Fut Hair Transplant Surgery at a glance

Below you can find detailed technical information that will help you learn more about the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) hair transplant procedure. This information is general and may vary according to the operation and its combinations.

Duration of Treatment
(1 day)
Duration of Operation
(4 – 8 hours)
(6 – 12 months)
Sleeping Position
(Head elevated for 5 days)
(1 day)
(2 days)
(1 day)
Back to Work
(2-3 days)
Exercise Restriction
(2-4 weeks)
Why do people have FUT?

Fut Hair Transplant Surgery

Fut Hair Transplant Surgery

Who are the ideal candidates?

  • Experiencing hair loss, seeking a permanent solution.
  • Enough donor hair on the back or sides of the scalp for transplantation.
  • Good overall health without contraindications for surgery.
  • Realistic expectations about the procedure's outcomes and limitations.

FAQs About FUT Hair Transplant

FUT hair transplant boasts a high success rate, typically ranging from 90% to 95%, when performed by skilled surgeons in suitable candidates. Success depends on factors such as patient selection, surgeon expertise, and post-operative care.

FUT hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Some mild soreness and swelling may occur in the days following the surgery, but these can be managed with prescribed medications.

Hair growth following FUT hair transplant is a gradual process, with initial growth starting to become visible within 3 to 4 months post-procedure. Full results are typically achieved within 12 to 18 months, as the transplanted hair follicles continue to grow and mature over time.

The transplanted hair follicles behave similarly to the donor hair, meaning they are permanent and resistant to hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. With proper care and maintenance, the results of FUT hair transplant can last a lifetime, providing natural-looking and long-lasting hair restoration.

In some cases, patients may experience further hair loss in areas surrounding the transplanted follicles over time. In such instances, a follow-up FUT hair transplant procedure can be performed to address these concerns and restore hair density as needed.

Like any surgical procedure, FUT hair transplant carries a minimal risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, or scarring. However, when performed by experienced surgeons in accredited facilities, these risks are rare and can be mitigated with proper pre-operative assessment and post-operative care.

Yes, FUT hair transplant can be combined with complementary treatments such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy or medical hair loss treatments like minoxidil or finasteride to enhance results and promote hair growth. A comprehensive treatment plan can be tailored to address each patient's unique needs and goals.

There is no strict age limit for undergoing FUT hair transplant, as candidacy depends more on the patient's overall health and the extent of their hair loss rather than their chronological age. However, younger patients should be carefully evaluated to ensure that their hair loss pattern is stable and suitable for transplantation.

Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few days following FUT hair transplant, although strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a week to minimize the risk of complications. Patients can expect some mild swelling and redness in the treated area, which typically resolves within a week or two.

Yes, FUT hair transplant can be an effective solution for female pattern hair loss, particularly in cases where other treatments have been unsuccessful. However, female patients should undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of their hair loss and ensure that they are suitable candidates for the procedure.

Suitable candidates for FUT hair transplant typically have sufficient donor hair, stable hair loss patterns, and realistic expectations. A consultation with a hair transplant specialist can determine candidacy based on individual factors.

Yes, FUT hair transplant can be used to correct or revise the results of previous hair transplant procedures, including outdated techniques or unsatisfactory outcomes. Skilled surgeons can assess the situation and recommend appropriate solutions.

The number of FUT sessions required depends on factors such as the extent of hair loss, the desired level of hair density, and the availability of donor hair. In some cases, a single FUT session may suffice to achieve satisfactory results, while others may require multiple sessions spaced several months apart to achieve optimal outcomes.

The duration of the FUT hair transplant process varies depending on factors such as the number of grafts needed and the technique used. Generally, the procedure can take anywhere from several hours to a full day, with additional time required for recovery and follow-up appointments.

Before FUT hair transplant surgery, patients are advised to avoid alcohol, smoking, and certain medications that can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated can promote optimal healing and recovery.

Patients are typically advised to wait a few days before washing their hair after FUT hair transplant surgery to allow the implanted grafts to settle. Once cleared by their surgeon, patients can gently wash their hair using a mild shampoo and following specific post-operative care instructions.



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Our doctor's advice on the operation

Explore the operation further

Choosing a Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT hair transplant in Turkey presents a promising solution for individuals seeking effective remedies for hair loss. FUT, also known as strip harvesting, is a surgical hair restoration technique renowned for its ability to deliver natural-looking results and significant hair density improvements. In Turkey, esteemed clinics like TrustMed Clinic offer advanced facilities and highly skilled surgeons, making it an appealing destination for those looking to regain their hair and confidence.

What Is FUT Hair Transplant?

FUT hair transplant in Turkey is a sophisticated surgical procedure designed to combat hair loss by relocating hair follicles from a donor strip harvested from the back or sides of the scalp to areas experiencing baldness or thinning. Unlike Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which involves individual follicle extraction, FUT entails the removal of a narrow strip of tissue containing multiple follicular units. This strip is then dissected into grafts under magnification, allowing for the precise transplantation of follicular units into recipient sites. FUT is known for its ability to achieve high graft survival rates and significant hair restoration outcomes, making it a popular choice for patients seeking long-lasting results.

Why Should You Get FUT Hair Transplant In Turkey?

  • Cost: FUT hair transplant in Turkey are more affordable than in many Western countries without compromising the quality of the operation.
  • Qualified Surgeons: Turkey has well-trained and qualified surgeons who have received education and training from reputable institutions. 
  • Modern Facilities: Many private clinics and hospitals such as TrustMed in Turkey are equipped with modern facilities and adhere to international standards. 
  • Privacy: You may prefer to get your FUT hair transplant in Turkey, away from your local community for added privacy. Turkey offers a degree of anonymity for individuals seeking cosmetic surgery.

How Is The FUT Hair Transplant Journey?

Initial Consultation

The FUT hair transplant journey commences with a comprehensive consultation with a hair transplant specialist, who evaluates the patient's hair loss pattern, scalp condition, and suitability for the procedure. During this consultation, the surgeon discusses the patient's goals and expectations, educates them about the FUT procedure, and develops a customized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.


On the day of the procedure, the patient undergoes preparation for the FUT hair transplant, which involves trimming the donor area and administering local anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience during the surgery. The patient is made comfortable, and any questions or concerns are addressed before proceeding with the operation.

Donor Strip Harvesting

The surgeon carefully removes a thin strip of tissue from the donor area, typically located at the back or sides of the scalp. Specialized techniques are employed to ensure minimal discomfort and scarring, with meticulous attention to preserving the surrounding hair follicles and tissue integrity.

Graft Dissection

The harvested donor strip is meticulously dissected under magnification into individual follicular units, consisting of one to four hairs each. These grafts are carefully prepared for transplantation, ensuring optimal viability and survival rates upon implantation.

Recipient Site Creation

Using precise techniques, the surgeon creates recipient sites in the balding or thinning areas of the scalp, taking into account the patient's natural hairline and aesthetic preferences. The density, angle, and direction of hair growth are carefully considered to achieve natural-looking results.

Graft Implantation

The prepared follicular units are meticulously implanted into the recipient sites, following the predetermined design and distribution to ensure uniform coverage and optimal hair density. The surgeon employs specialized tools and techniques to ensure proper alignment and placement of the grafts for seamless integration with the existing hair.


Following the FUT hair transplant procedure, patients are provided with post-operative instructions and medications to promote healing and minimize discomfort. Most individuals can resume their normal activities within a few days, although some temporary swelling and soreness in the treated areas may occur. Visible hair growth typically begins to emerge within a few months, with full results becoming apparent within 12 to 18 months.

Types Of FUT Hair Transplant Techniques

Trichophytic Closure

Trichophytic closure is an advanced surgical technique employed during the closure of the donor wound created during the FUT hair transplant procedure. Unlike traditional closure methods that result in a linear scar, trichophytic closure aims to minimize scarring and improve aesthetic outcomes by promoting hair growth through the scar line.

Microscopic Dissection

Microscopic dissection is a critical step in the FUT hair transplant procedure that involves the meticulous separation and preparation of follicular units (hair grafts) under high magnification using specialized microscopes. This technique ensures precision and accuracy in graft harvesting, resulting in high-quality grafts suitable for transplantation

Multi-Blade Dissection

Multi-blade dissection is a technique used during the FUT hair transplant procedure to expedite the process of harvesting follicular units from the donor strip. This technique involves the simultaneous use of multiple blades to dissect the donor tissue into grafts, allowing for rapid extraction and processing of follicular units.

FUT hair transplant specialists in Turkey employ these various techniques, tailoring the approach to suit the unique needs and preferences of each patient. By utilizing advanced technology and expertise, surgeons can achieve exceptional results with FUT hair transplants, restoring patients' hair density and confidence effectively.

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