Arm Lift

At the threshold of transformation, arm lift surgery offers the opportunity to achieve sleek and sculpted arms.
Arm Lift
Transform your arm to a flat arm!

Arm Lift

Arm Lift
Transform your arm to a flat arm!

Arm Lift

It is extremely natural to have deterioration in various areas of our bodies after processes such as rapid weight changes and weight loss surgeries. The arm is also an area where these deteriorations are frequently visible. Fat and excess skin in the arm can make you feel uncomfortable. You may find it difficult to wear your clothes. The bad image in the area between the armpit and elbow can be corrected with arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery.

What is Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery is the surgical correction of deformations in the lower back of the arm. In the arm lift (brachioplasty) procedure, excess skin and fat tissue are removed to obtain a thinner and body-balanced arm image.

In arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery, the incisions extend from the armpit to the elbow. Plans are made on the patient before surgery. Within the framework of this planning, excess fat tissue in the arm is removed by liposuction or directly. In addition, the skin tissue that causes sagging is also removed. The incisions are repaired. The incision scars formed in arm lift surgery are generally designed to coincide with the back and inner part of the arm.

In this way, the visibility of the scars is reduced. Arm lift surgery is often accompanied by a liposuction procedure. Fat pockets in areas without excess skin are removed. In some arm lift surgery techniques, the skin is only removed after the fat in the area to be removed is also removed. The decision of the technique to be used is determined by your plastic surgeon who will perform your surgery.

Arm Lift at a glance

Below you can find detailed technical information that will help you learn more about the surgery. This information is general and may vary according to the operation and its combinations.

Duration of Treatment
(5 Days)
Duration of Operation
(2 Hours)
(1-6 Months)
Sleeping Position
(1 Week Face Up & Arms Elevated)
(10 Days)
(5 Days)
(7 Days)
Back to Work
(14 Days)
Exercise Restriction
(2 Months)
Get rid of excess sagging skin now!

Why do people have arm lift surgery?

Why do people have arm lift surgery?

Who Are the Ideal Candidates?

In order to have a arm lift operation the ideal candidate should:

  • Be in good psychological and physical health
  • Be at your ideal weight.
  • Have realistic expectations about the operation
  • Have distorted body contours.
Premium quality 360 degree service in Istanbul

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu

Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu
Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu
Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery

What do the experts say about this operation?

We're with you at every step of the operation.

Here you will find some useful information that will help you prepare for your plastic surgery, prepare the necessary setup to avoid any problems that may arise, and make the necessary arrangements to ensure that everything goes smoothly during your stay in Turkiye.

Your journey for your aesthetic surgery will begin with a consultation with our famous aesthetic surgeon in Istanbul. This meeting will last about 30 minutes.

During your in person consultation with our famous plastic surgeon Dr. Burak Pasinlioğlu, you can ask all the questions you have in mind about the operation. It may be a good idea to write down all your questions before the consultation. Our doctor will get familiar with all your expectations and provide you detailed information about this subject by determining what is possible for your anatomy. In addition, our doctor will explain to you how the operation process will proceed after answering all your questions.

It is important to consider the following before you turn up for your cosmetic surgery.

Quit smoking: Smoking reduces blood flow in the skin. For this reason, we recommend that you quit smoking six weeks before the operation and during the recovery period in order to have a faster recovery process after the operation.

Minimise alcohol: Try to minimise alcohol drinking before the operation. Do not drink alcohol on the day of the operation or stop drinking a few days before. After the operation is completed, you are not allowed to drink alcohol until the medication given to you is finished. Our doctor and team will warn you about this.

General anaesthesia: Your operation will be performed under general anaesthesia. Eat eight hours before the operation. Don't drink water or eat less than six hours before the operation.

On the day of your operation, our transfer vehicle will pick you up from your hotel and transfer you to the hospital where the operation will take place. Before the operation, you will have a preliminary in person meeting with our doctor and our team once again. As a result of this preliminary meeting, drawings will be made and photos will be taken according to your expectations.

Your aesthetic surgery will end with drawing being made, check of blood tests, operation, hospital stay, discharge and follow-up process.

You may feel a little sleepy and tired after your aesthetic surgery. This condition will decrease after one or two hours of rest.

Our doctor will provide you information about the operation during discharge. They will explain what you should pay attention to after the operation and the use of medication. We expect you to take your medication regularly. You may feel a little sluggish and tired after the operation. This condition, can be taken under control with the painkillers prescribed to you.

During the recovery process, our teams will call you to ask about your condition and ask you for a photo. An online consultation will be made with you by communicating your recovery process to our doctor.

We are always with you in your process of change

Testimonials About Our Services

Are you ready for your Journey of Change?

We are here for you to plan your entire journey to make the operation you desire a much better experience for you. Considering all the details, we are always with you during your stay in Istanbul.

It is a detailed consultation with our experts about the organisation and operation.

Our famous plastic surgeon will answer all your questions in detail by inquiring your operation expectations during the in person consultation.

While renewing your body, you can evaluate all the care your skin needs with Famous Dermatologist Associate Professor Ezgi Özkur, get advice from them and start treatment.

Our doctor and nurses will check your eligibility for the operation by making the necessary medical assessment before the operation.

You will have your last pre-operative in person consultation with our doctor at the hospital. Our doctor will prepare you for the operation via drawings according to your expectations.

24 hour room service, satellite TV, breakfast, lunch, dinner and your own en-suite hospital room with en-suite bathroom for 1 or 2 days depending on the operation.

At your first follow-up consultation, our doctor will check you after the operation and tell you what you should pay attention to and the entire post-operative care process.

Our experienced staff, specially assigned for you, will be in contact with you during your stay in Istanbul after you are discharged from the hospital and will visit you whenever necessary

At your second follow-up visit, your treatment will be completed by our doctor by making your dressing. When you go back to your country, you will be told about all the procedures you need to do and pay attention to.

We will follow you closely for 1 year during your recovery process managed by our experienced team.

Frequently asked questions about arm lift

You can find detailed information about the operation and organisation before you come to Turkiye. You can contact your sales representative for any other questions you may have.

The recovery process involves wearing compression garments, managing discomfort with pain medication, avoiding strenuous activities for several weeks, and attending follow-up appointments with the surgeon.

Yes, arm lift surgery leaves scars, but they are typically well-concealed within the natural contours of the arms and fade over time.

While temporary changes in sensation are common after arm lift surgery, permanent loss of sensation is rare. The sensation may gradually return over time as the nerves heal.

Risks and complications may include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, changes in sensation, asymmetry, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, serious complications are rare when the procedure is performed by a skilled surgeon.

While strenuous exercise should be avoided during the initial recovery period, most patients can resume regular exercise routines within a few weeks to months after arm lift surgery.

Yes, arm lift surgery is commonly performed to address excess skin and fat in the upper arms following significant weight loss, resulting in a more contoured and proportionate appearance.

Arm lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety during the procedure.

While the results of arm lift surgery are generally long-lasting, factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and lifestyle habits may affect the longevity of the results over time.

Yes, wearing compression garments or sleeves is typically recommended after arm lift surgery to minimize swelling, promote healing, and support the arms' new contours.

Yes, arm lift surgery can be performed on both arms during a single surgical session to achieve symmetrical results.

Drainage tubes may be placed temporarily during arm lift surgery to remove excess fluid and reduce the risk of complications such as seroma formation. These tubes are typically removed within a few days after surgery.

While arm lift surgery primarily addresses excess skin, liposuction may be performed in conjunction with the procedure to remove localized fat deposits and further enhance arm contour.

Scarring after arm lift surgery varies depending on the surgical technique used and individual healing factors but typically appears as thin, linear scars along the inner or back of the arms.

While it is possible to undergo additional procedures to revise or refine the results of arm lift surgery, the procedure itself is considered permanent.

Yes, smoking can impair wound healing and increase the risk of complications after surgery. Therefore, it is typically recommended to quit smoking several weeks before and after arm lift surgery.

Yes, arm lift surgery can help address excess skin and fat in the upper arms caused by aging, resulting in a more toned and youthful arm contour.

Arm lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety throughout the procedure. However, local anesthesia with sedation may be used in certain cases, depending on the surgeon's recommendation and the extent of the surgery.



In line with the importance we attach to quality and reliability in healthcare services, our clinically contracted hospitals are certified by JCI (Joint Commission International) to comply with international standards. JCI certification plays a key role in guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the healthcare services we provide to our patients. Under contract with TrustMed, the hospital, located in Şişli, is a point where healthcare excellence, advanced technology and strategic accessibility meet. This medical facility is a testament to advanced technology and infrastructure, with a team of nationally and internationally recognised specialists offering warm and personalised services to its patients.

Regular audits are critical to ensure that our hospitals consistently deliver high quality services. In this way, we strive to best meet the healthcare needs of our patients and provide a safe healthcare environment.

Our doctor's advice on the operation

Explore the operation further

Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms by removing excess skin and fat. This procedure is commonly sought by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or those who are unhappy with the appearance of sagging or flabby upper arms due to aging or genetics.

What Is Arm Lift Surgery?

Brachioplasty, or 'arm lift' surgery, reshapes the underside of the upper arm from the armpit to the elbow. The surgery removes extra skin and fat to give a more toned and balanced appearance. As the upper arm skin tends to droop with age, after significant weight loss, and for people with lymphedema, exercise may strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but it cannot change any extra skin that has lost its elasticity.

Why Should You Get Your Arm Lift In Turkey?

  • Cost: Arm lift in Turkey is more affordable compared to many Western countries without compromising the quality of the operation.
  • Qualified Surgeons: Turkey has well-trained and qualified plastic surgeons who have received education and training from reputable institutions.
  • Modern Facilities: Many private clinics and hospitals such as TrustMed in Turkey are equipped with modern facilities and adhere to international standards.
  • Privacy: You may prefer to undergo your arm lift in Turkey, away from your local community for added privacy. Turkey offers a degree of anonymity for individuals seeking cosmetic surgery.

Are You A Good Candidate For Liposuction?

You are a good candidate for Liposuction if you:

  • are not pleased with your current body contour,
  • are determined to undergo cosmetic surgeries to have your desired body.

Preoperative Preparation and Operation Process

If you are deemed a good candidate for arm lift surgery, your surgeon will conduct a preoperative evaluation to ensure you are in good health for the procedure. This may involve laboratory tests, medical examinations, and discussions about your medications and lifestyle habits.

  • Anesthesia: You will be administered general anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure.
  • Incision: The surgeon will make incisions along the undersides of your upper arms, typically extending from the armpit to the elbow. The length and pattern of the incisions may vary depending on the amount of excess skin to be removed and the desired outcome.
  • Tissue Removal and Tightening: Through the incisions, the surgeon will remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms. They may also tighten and reshape the underlying supportive tissues to create a more toned appearance.
  • Skin Closure: After the desired contour is achieved, the remaining skin is carefully repositioned and the incisions are closed with sutures. In some cases, drains may be placed to prevent fluid buildup during the initial healing phase.
  • Results: Over time, as swelling subsides and the incision lines fade, you will notice a significant improvement in the contour and appearance of your upper arms. The results of arm lift surgery are long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and proper nutrition.

What Can You Expect After Arm Lift?

  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after arm lift surgery and may persist for several weeks. This is a normal part of the healing process as your body adjusts to the changes made during the procedure.
  • Restricted Arm Movement: You may need to avoid lifting heavy objects or performing strenuous activities during the recovery process.
  • Compression Garments: You will likely be instructed to wear compression garments or bandages on your arms to minimize swelling, provide support, and help shape the arms as they heal. It's essential to follow your surgeon's recommendations regarding garment use and care.
  • Scarring: Arm lift surgery results in scarring along the incision sites, typically located on the underside of the upper arms. While scars will fade over time, they may remain visible.
  • Gradual Improvement: While you may notice some immediate improvement in the appearance of your arms after surgery, the full results of arm lift surgery may take several months to become apparent as swelling subsides and the tissues settle into their new position.

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